The OpsDuty API https://opsduty.io/api/v1/
uses OAuth2 for authentication and
the Authorization Code Flow to issue tokens.
An OAuth2 application needs to be created in OpsDuty before the platform can issue tokens to your app. OAuth2 applications can be created on the Developer Settings page.
Acquiring an access token via your terminal¶
- Install oauth2c
brew install cloudentity/tap/oauth2c
- Create a new oAuth2 application in OpsDuty
Use the redirect url http://localhost:9876/callback
Copy the new client secret to clipboard
Get an access token
oauth2c https://opsduty.io \
--client-id <client-id> \
--client-secret <client-secret> \
--authorization-endpoint https://opsduty.io/oauth2/authorize/ \
--token-endpoint https://opsduty.io/oauth2/token/ \
--response-types code \
--response-mode query \
--grant-type authorization_code \
--auth-method client_secret_basic \