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Routing Rules

Routing rules allow you to direct incidents to OpsDuty without directly assigning them to a specific service in OpsDuty. These rules let you decide which service should handle an incident based on the provided criteria.

Routing rules cannot be used to modify incoming data; they are only used to determine which service an incident should be assigned to.

Routing rules can evaluate both the current time and the incoming data to determine the appropriate service destination.

Routing Key

In OpsDuty, each routing rule is assigned a unique routing key. This key is used to direct incident data to the appropriate routing rule.

Currently, the routing key is only utilized by the webhook integration. To enable a routing rule to process data, replace the <routing-key> portion of the URL with the specific routing key for that rule.

Example Webhook URL:<webhook-integration-key>/<routing-key>

Default Service

Each routing rule must have a default service configured. If no rule matches the incoming payload, the incident will be assigned to this default service.


Routing rules consist of a set of ordered rules. These rules are evaluated sequentially, and the first rule that matches the incoming payload will assign the incident to its associated service.

Rules can also be disabled. Disabled rules are not evaluated.


Rule conditions are applied to incoming payloads and determine whether the rule matches the payload or not.

Condition Operator

If a rule contains multiple conditions, a condition operator is used to combine them. The operator can be one of the following:

  • OR: The rule matches the payload if at least one condition is satisfied.
  • AND: The rule matches the payload only if all conditions are satisfied.

Available Conditions

A rule can be configured with several types of conditions:

  • Match All: Always returns a match.
  • DateTime Range: Matches if the current time is within a specified time range.
  • Weekly Schedule: Matches if the current time falls within a specified time range and on one of the defined weekdays.
  • Filter Condition: Matches if the incoming data satisfies the configured condition.
Filter Condition

The filter condition is the most advanced type of condition. It evaluates either the raw data received or the data parsed by the receive channel.

You need to select a field that the condition should evaluate. Two variables are available:

  • payload: Contains the raw data received by OpsDuty before processing by the receive channel.
  • event: Contains the data parsed by the receive channel.

The filter condition also requires an operation, which is executed on the selected field. The available operations are:

  • Does not exist: Matches if the selected field does not exist.
  • Does not match: Matches if the selected field is not equal to the specified value.
  • Does not match part: Matches if the selected field does not contain the specified value.
  • Does not match regex: Matches if the specified regex does not match the selected field.
  • Exists: Matches if the selected field exists.
  • Jinja Expression: Matches if the Jinja template returns a truthy value (e.g., y, yes, true, on, 1, ok). The selected field is available as the field variable.
  • Matches: Matches if the selected field is equal to the specified value.
  • Matches part: Matches if the selected field contains the specified value.
  • Matches regex: Matches if the specified regex matches the selected field.